Sven Hoeger, M. Sc.

Ecologic Restoration Specialist
BB Stream. Gaze down a calm, glassy stream, with riverbank that needs to be restored. The sky and trees are reflected in the water.
Bekzack grass land. A picture of a wetland meadow, with the Hudson in the distance, and the Palisades behind it.
Close up of a woodpoppy in bloom. The petals and stamen are all the same yellow as pollen. There is a fuzzy bud nearby, and green leaves in the background.
Close up of bleeding hearts. The flours are a shade between pink and purple, and are in a cluster, with blooms pointing downards, almost closed. Green foliage lies behind the blossoms.
Zoo filtration. A worker stands in gravel, near sand or gravel and tarp.
Esopus before. A picture of a waterfront property to be restored, with a crumbling brick wall against a river's edge, and a truck on top of the parking lot next to the wall. Espos after. A picture of a restored riverbank, with tall green shrubs and grasses growing alongside it. Headshot of Sven Hoeger. He has blue-grey eyes, greying-brown hair, a grey beard, and a slight tan. He is wearing a white shirt, tie, and dark jacket or sweater. It is a profile shot. There are trees and the sky behind his head.